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Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

The Application of Moral Value in Scientific activities

(Primanda Dewanti)

As every body knows, science has given many benefits for the human. Our daily life nowadays has been very different compared to the life taken place some years or centuries ago. Human has developed science in such a way that everything seems easy to do. The next coming question is that: is there any regulation for them to do so? Can they expand science more and more in a free way without afraid of something?
Amsal Bakhtiar (2012: 162) gives a very critical question related to the matter; is knowledge always a blessing and life-saver for human being? He states it from the example that the making of bomb which was firstly dedicated to make humans work become easier and easier has given a negative effect for themselves. According to him, science has to be placed proportionally and based on good and humanistic value, unless there will be a damage as the result of careless usage of it.

Furthermore, he divides scientists into two groups. The first group believes that science is free of value. In this respect, the scientists’ part is merely find out the knowledge and they give freedom to the persons employing it. They can freely apply it both for good and bad intention. The second group believes that science neutrality is only in the metaphysical scope. This group believes that the application of science must be based on moral values. This group’s opinion is based on the some factors. First, science has been employed destructively, for example, the world war some years ago applied scientific technology to attack each others. Second, science has been developed and becomes more and more esoteric, so many scientists nowadays know what will happen when it is misused. Lastly, science is getting more and more developed, as it seems possible to change human himself such as using genetic engineering (Amsal Bakhtiar, 2012: 169). By so doing, in relation to moral, science has to be dedicated for good deed and without changing human and humanistic value. In doing so, ethical awareness is highly required in the form of code of ethics.

Code of ethics, also called as scientific ethics, is needed to apply in science. Scientific ethics is a normative ethics which proposes rationally reliable ethical principle and can be applied in science (Amsal Bakhtiar, 2012: 170). It is also a moral reference for the development of science (Muhadjir, 1998: 148).  A code of ethics provides a framework for ethical judgement (the incentive to do the right thing) by a scientist or engineer (Martin and Schinzinger in Speight and Foote, 2011: 158). In other words, scientific ethic may refer to a normative ethics which include moral as a fundamental base for  human in applying science.
The intention of code of ethics is that a scientist can apply moral principles in every single activity he is included in. It is hoped that he can select good principles and avoid the bad ones so that he can be someone who is responsible for the science he is interested in. Without applying this kind of norm, he can be free in doing his unconstrained preferences in research (Speight and Foote, 211: 157). In other words, it can be concluded that code of ethics is a kind of rule or regulation to limit the scientist in order that he always walks in line with moral values.
Annas (in Speight and Foote, 2011: 184) states that a code of ethics is adopted by a society or by an organization in an attempt to assist the society membership when called upon to make a decision, to understand the difference between correct actions and incorrect actions, and to apply this understanding to their decision. It should be developed in all scientific disciplines. It is usually related to work although the code may also focus on social issues. It also includes the general principles about the belief of the society on matters such as:
a.              mission or statement
b.             the quality of work
c.              the standard of behavior toward others
d.             privacy
e.              the environment (Speight and Foote, 2011: 185).

There are some requirements of a relevant code of ethics. The scientist should not reject the considerations in it since it also means that he also sacrifices his professionalism. Davis and Stark (in Speight and Foote, 2011: 186-187) propose that it should offer the following considerations:
a.         it has to be clear and consists of unambiguous advice
b.        it has no opportunity for someone endorsing the opposite course of action also uses the code to support his choice
c.         the different guidelines within the code should not give conflicting guidance but guidelines should point the same outcome
d.        the professional code of ethics should not conflict with the individual moral compass of the scientist and/or engineer.

Some fields of study have already arranged their codes of ethics. This paper will mainly give the examples of code of ethics manifestations as follows:

a.    Code of Ethics in Biotechnology
It has been explained that cloning is a technology that needs a moral awareness. In General Ethical Guidelines for Biotechnology Research (HPCSA, 2007) it is stated that cloning, as its strictest sense, means a precise genetic copy of a life form. There are two kinds of it: reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning is the manipulation of genetic material in order to achieve the reproduction of a human being and includes nuclear transfer of embryo splitting for such purpose. Meanwhile, therapeutic cloning involves the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer where the nucleus from adult cell is injected into a human ovum of which the nucleus has been removed.
Reproductive cloning is not allowed. It is based on one of some points in prohibited and unethical practices in relation to cloning in the guidelines. It is stated that clinicians and researchers must not engage in any activity, including nuclear transfer or embryo splitting for the purpose of reproductive cloning of a human being. It is now clear that human cloning is illegally allowed.

b.    Code of Ethics in Nuclear
A publication emphasizing on the suggestion to establish a code of ethics in nuclear operation has been published by International Atomic Energy Agency. It is explained about the importance of creating a code of ethics in the countries which employ nuclear operation. The handout becomes an international standard for some countries which have a nuclear organization in it.
IAEA (2007: 13) gives a guide about minimum content for a code of ethic for nuclear industry as follows:
1)        Preamble to introduce the code
It should be emphasized that code of ethics in an organization includes honesty, integrity, and fairness.
2)        The embodiment of the commitment is
a)      Health and safety
b)      Openness and honesty
c)      Bribery and corruption
d)     Social responsibility
e)      Personal behavior
c.    Code of Ethics in Medical Field

The medical field is a nearly close thing to us. One of the professionalism medical fields is by establishing a code of ethics in it. Every single doctor and other medical supporting persons have to obey it. When there is someone who neglects it and does a violation of it, he may be sent to court.

In the code of ethics, it is stated that a doctor must honest in relation to his patients and colleagues. He also has to do efforts to remind his colleagues who have lacks in competence or who are trying to cheat the patients (MKEK-IDI, 2006: 3). The regulation has been written in the code of ethics. It means that if there is a fault caused by doctors, the patients can bring them to the court or at least, ask a compensation from them.

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