Speak English

Speak English

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

I'm Thankful

Hello, dear readers. It's been a long time for me not to write in this blog. Am I busy? Yes, a little bit. It's because I spend most of my time in front of my computer thinking about my thesis. Sometimes, I have to write something, but all I do is just being confused. Yeah, I'm a little confusing recently hahaa....

Have you ever learned English using songs? I'm quite sure that most of you will say "Yes". I myself also learned it using songs some years ago. I can say that using songs is an effective way to learn English since it can rehearse our ears to listen more, it can enrich our vocabulary, & it can provide us with a good constructed sentences with languages that we have never heard before in our English lesson at school. We can also learn to pronounce a word accurately. 

There is a song I love to listen recently. Perhaps, it's because I use this song for my thesis. My thesis title is "Developing song-based supplementary materials..."; I try to develop a set of materials which are song-based. I believe that songs can be used to learn English well as I experienced several years ago. Here is the song.

The song really reminds us that we need to thank God for every single blessing coming to us. This is the complete lyrics of the song.

I'm Thankful

I’m thankful for my friends
For friendships without end
I’m thankful for my family

I’m thankful for being loved
For this world that I’m part of
I’m thankful for all that’s given me

I’m thankful for the caring
Thankful for the sharing
Thankful for each and everyday

I’m thankful for being loved
For this world that I’m part of
I’m thankful and I just want to say

I’m thankful we’re together here today

As I for one, the song can be used to teach moral character to our students. They can be asked to translate the song into Indonesian, construct some jumbled words taken from the text, or make a dialogue based on the situation given. It is also in line with the sub-topic in the new curriculum (2013 Curriculum). The curriculum says that students should be able to thank to other persons. Related to the fact, the song can be used as a triggering situation for them to do some further activities. 

That's all for today. 


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