One day, in Solo, Central Java, a beautiful teacher started teaching in a class of 32 students.
The teacher greeted the students and asked them who was absent for the day. Then, she explained that on the day, they would study from a song entitled “The Rhino Song”. She told the students that they would study about how to ask and answer about the number of animals.
The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the first page of unit 11 materials, particularly to Activity 1 of “Tune Up” activities. She asked the students to fill the cloze lyrics using the words provided in the box. The students did the task and they asked her about the Indonesian meaning of some words. The teacher invited them to check their answer by listening to the song entitled “The Rhino Song”. They listened to the song while checking their answer. The teacher, then, invited them to discuss the answer together. After that, the teacher asked them to match the vocabulary list on Activity 3 to the meaning. The students did the task in about two minutes. They discussed the answer with the teacher. She asked the students to state whether statements in Activity 4 are true or false by reading the lyrics.
After all the Activities in “Tune in” had been completed, the teacher invited the students to pay attention to her explanation about number and animals. She asked them to have some questions about them. She explained that questions might be initiated by what, who, why, etc. A boy raised his hand and he said, “What is the sound of a chimpanzee?” Other students laughed together. The teacher repeated the question, “What is the sound of a chimpanzee?” The students answered it together by imitating the voice of a chimpanzee. Another student gave the question, “What is rhinoceros food?” The teacher repeated her question, “What does a rhinoceros feed on?” Other students answered it, “Grass. Rumput, ma’am”.
The teacher asked the students to do the task in “Do the Tasks” section. She invited them to pay attention to Task 1. She asked them to read the instruction and asked some questions if they did not understand. There were no questions from the students. She said, “Do you know what you have to do?” The students answered it, “Yes”. After they had finished doing the task, the teacher appointed some students to answer each number. The students answered most of the numbers well; there was a question which was wrongly answered. “What is the plural form of sheep?” the teacher asked. Some students answered, “Sheeps”, and some of them answered it “Sheeps”. The teacher said, “It is sheep. It is not ‘sheeps’. Ada lagi beberapa hewan yang tidak pernah memakai ‘s’. Apa saja?”. The students answered her, “Deer. Fish”. “Very good,” said the teacher. After that, she asked them to answer the question in Task 2. She said, “Now, have a look at Task 2. You have to answer the questions by reading the text. Kalimat jawaban ditulis dalam kalimat lengkap ya. Do you know what you have to do?”. The students said, “Yes”. “How many minutes do you need? Are three minutes enough?” The students answered, “Yes”. After the students finished doing the task, the teacher invited them to discuss the answer together. “How many toes do the rhinoceros have”, she read the question. “It has four toes,” answered the students. They discussed it with the fifth number.
The teacher invited the students to see “Analyze” part. She asked them to read the instruction of Task 1 and read the example of the dialog. She added, “Perhatikan tanda baca ya. Punctuation itu tanda baca. Dialog itu kalimat langsung, jadi harus pakai tanda petik ya”. The students answered her, “Ya, ma’am”. After that, the students did the task by writing the dialogs on the book. “Have you finished?” asked the teacher after three minutes. They answered, “Yes”. The teacher asked some students to practice the dialog in the class without the book.
Next, the teacher asked the students to pay attention to “Tell Your Friends” part. She read the instruction and said, “Tugas kelompok ya, satu kelompok empat orang.” The students grouped themselves in groups of four. Some of them consist of three persons only. She added, “Kalian harus membuat presentasi kelompok dalam kertas ini,” while distributing a piece of paper to each group. She said, “Gunakan tabel ini sebagai contoh. Presentasikan bagaimana cara menanyakan dan menjawab tentang menhitung hewan. Any questions?” “Kalau yang ditulis terserah kita boleh ga, ma’am?” asked a student. The teacher answered, “Boleh saja. Tapi harus berhubungan dengan jumlah binatang”. She added, “Do you know what you have to do?” “Yes,” they answered. “How many minutes do you need?” asked the teacher. “Satu jam,” some of them answered. “Lama banget. Ten minutes saja ya,” she said. “Iya. Sepuluh menit cukup kok,” said a female student while glaring at her friends mentioned earlier. After ten minutes, the teacher said, “Have you finished? Selesai belum?” They answered, “Sudah dari tadi”, “Sudah, ma’am”. “Okay. Who wants to start the presentation?” asked the teacher. Some female students of a group raised their hands. “Satu atau semua, ma’am?” “Satu saja”. One of them took the presentation and started it. The teacher, then, asked other groups to present what they wrote on the paper. Sometimes, she had to repeat the sentences using acceptable grammar when they uttered unacceptable-grammar sentences.
In the next activity, the teacher asked the students to pay attention to “Write and Speak” part. She said, “Have a look at ‘Write and Speak’, apa itu artinya?” “Menulis dan berbicara,” answered the students. “Ya. Jadi, you have to write a dialog with your partner. The dialog shouldn’t be the same with the example in the book. Jelas ya, dialognya tidak boleh sama dengan yang ada di buku,” she added. “Berapa menit kira-kira? Nanti di Task 2, you have to perform the dialog,” she said. “Buat PR aja, ma’am,” said a student. “Oh tidak bisa. We still have enough time,” answered the teacher. “Saya sepuluh menit bisa kok,” said a female student. The other said, “Limabelas! Duapuluh”. “Okay, saya tunggu. Jangan lupa tanda bacanya ya Silakan mulai ditulis ya. Mengerjakannya sama pasangannya,” said the teacher. After ten minutes, the teacher asked, “Have you finished?” “Yes. No. Sebentar,” answered the students together. “Who are ready to perform in front of the class?” asked the teacher. Some students performed their dialog. Some of them were not helped by the book, but some were. Sometimes, the teacher repeated their sentences with acceptable grammar. A student said, “How many monkey in the zoo?” The teacher repeated it by saying, “How many monkeys are there in the zoo”.
The teacher greeted the students and asked them who was absent for the day. Then, she explained that on the day, they would study from a song entitled “The Rhino Song”. She told the students that they would study about how to ask and answer about the number of animals.
The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the first page of unit 11 materials, particularly to Activity 1 of “Tune Up” activities. She asked the students to fill the cloze lyrics using the words provided in the box. The students did the task and they asked her about the Indonesian meaning of some words. The teacher invited them to check their answer by listening to the song entitled “The Rhino Song”. They listened to the song while checking their answer. The teacher, then, invited them to discuss the answer together. After that, the teacher asked them to match the vocabulary list on Activity 3 to the meaning. The students did the task in about two minutes. They discussed the answer with the teacher. She asked the students to state whether statements in Activity 4 are true or false by reading the lyrics.
After all the Activities in “Tune in” had been completed, the teacher invited the students to pay attention to her explanation about number and animals. She asked them to have some questions about them. She explained that questions might be initiated by what, who, why, etc. A boy raised his hand and he said, “What is the sound of a chimpanzee?” Other students laughed together. The teacher repeated the question, “What is the sound of a chimpanzee?” The students answered it together by imitating the voice of a chimpanzee. Another student gave the question, “What is rhinoceros food?” The teacher repeated her question, “What does a rhinoceros feed on?” Other students answered it, “Grass. Rumput, ma’am”.
The teacher asked the students to do the task in “Do the Tasks” section. She invited them to pay attention to Task 1. She asked them to read the instruction and asked some questions if they did not understand. There were no questions from the students. She said, “Do you know what you have to do?” The students answered it, “Yes”. After they had finished doing the task, the teacher appointed some students to answer each number. The students answered most of the numbers well; there was a question which was wrongly answered. “What is the plural form of sheep?” the teacher asked. Some students answered, “Sheeps”, and some of them answered it “Sheeps”. The teacher said, “It is sheep. It is not ‘sheeps’. Ada lagi beberapa hewan yang tidak pernah memakai ‘s’. Apa saja?”. The students answered her, “Deer. Fish”. “Very good,” said the teacher. After that, she asked them to answer the question in Task 2. She said, “Now, have a look at Task 2. You have to answer the questions by reading the text. Kalimat jawaban ditulis dalam kalimat lengkap ya. Do you know what you have to do?”. The students said, “Yes”. “How many minutes do you need? Are three minutes enough?” The students answered, “Yes”. After the students finished doing the task, the teacher invited them to discuss the answer together. “How many toes do the rhinoceros have”, she read the question. “It has four toes,” answered the students. They discussed it with the fifth number.
The teacher invited the students to see “Analyze” part. She asked them to read the instruction of Task 1 and read the example of the dialog. She added, “Perhatikan tanda baca ya. Punctuation itu tanda baca. Dialog itu kalimat langsung, jadi harus pakai tanda petik ya”. The students answered her, “Ya, ma’am”. After that, the students did the task by writing the dialogs on the book. “Have you finished?” asked the teacher after three minutes. They answered, “Yes”. The teacher asked some students to practice the dialog in the class without the book.
Next, the teacher asked the students to pay attention to “Tell Your Friends” part. She read the instruction and said, “Tugas kelompok ya, satu kelompok empat orang.” The students grouped themselves in groups of four. Some of them consist of three persons only. She added, “Kalian harus membuat presentasi kelompok dalam kertas ini,” while distributing a piece of paper to each group. She said, “Gunakan tabel ini sebagai contoh. Presentasikan bagaimana cara menanyakan dan menjawab tentang menhitung hewan. Any questions?” “Kalau yang ditulis terserah kita boleh ga, ma’am?” asked a student. The teacher answered, “Boleh saja. Tapi harus berhubungan dengan jumlah binatang”. She added, “Do you know what you have to do?” “Yes,” they answered. “How many minutes do you need?” asked the teacher. “Satu jam,” some of them answered. “Lama banget. Ten minutes saja ya,” she said. “Iya. Sepuluh menit cukup kok,” said a female student while glaring at her friends mentioned earlier. After ten minutes, the teacher said, “Have you finished? Selesai belum?” They answered, “Sudah dari tadi”, “Sudah, ma’am”. “Okay. Who wants to start the presentation?” asked the teacher. Some female students of a group raised their hands. “Satu atau semua, ma’am?” “Satu saja”. One of them took the presentation and started it. The teacher, then, asked other groups to present what they wrote on the paper. Sometimes, she had to repeat the sentences using acceptable grammar when they uttered unacceptable-grammar sentences.
In the next activity, the teacher asked the students to pay attention to “Write and Speak” part. She said, “Have a look at ‘Write and Speak’, apa itu artinya?” “Menulis dan berbicara,” answered the students. “Ya. Jadi, you have to write a dialog with your partner. The dialog shouldn’t be the same with the example in the book. Jelas ya, dialognya tidak boleh sama dengan yang ada di buku,” she added. “Berapa menit kira-kira? Nanti di Task 2, you have to perform the dialog,” she said. “Buat PR aja, ma’am,” said a student. “Oh tidak bisa. We still have enough time,” answered the teacher. “Saya sepuluh menit bisa kok,” said a female student. The other said, “Limabelas! Duapuluh”. “Okay, saya tunggu. Jangan lupa tanda bacanya ya Silakan mulai ditulis ya. Mengerjakannya sama pasangannya,” said the teacher. After ten minutes, the teacher asked, “Have you finished?” “Yes. No. Sebentar,” answered the students together. “Who are ready to perform in front of the class?” asked the teacher. Some students performed their dialog. Some of them were not helped by the book, but some were. Sometimes, the teacher repeated their sentences with acceptable grammar. A student said, “How many monkey in the zoo?” The teacher repeated it by saying, “How many monkeys are there in the zoo”.
The teacher invited the students to conclude the lesson in the day. She said, “Sekarang kita tahu bagaimana cara bertanya tentang jumlah binatang. What do we say when we want to know the number of animals?” “How many do you find” “Iya. Satu lagi apa?” “How many titik-titik are there,” answered them together. “Please, have a look at the Values part. Who can explain to me? Raise your hand,” said the teacher. A male student raised his hand, “Ini lho, ma’am. Kita harus menyayangi binatang”. “Iya. One hundred for you. Betul sekali ya. Ada kata poaching di sana. Apa itu poach?” asked the teacher, but no students were able to answer her. “Poach itu berburu liar. Can we poach an animal?” “No”, answered them together. “Okay, I think that’s all for today. Thank you for your attention. Good morning all,” said the teacher ending the lesson.
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